Advance QC Tools

If organizations wish to achieve continuous quality improvement, they need to use appropriate selection of quality tools and techniques. Tools are essential ingredients of a process and basic instruments for the success of a quality program.


The seven quality tools were first emphasized by Ishikawa (in the 1960s), who is one of the quality management gurus. They were further enhanced to another 7 quality tools, taking total number to 14.

These simple but effective "tools of improvement" are widely used as "graphical problem-solving methods" and as general management tools in every process between design and delivery. The challenge for the manufacturing and production industry is for: "Everyone to understand and use the improvements tools in their work"

"Learn Statistical Tools to analyze the data for efficient problems solving and effective decision making  "


Learning Objectives

  • Appreciation for statistical tools in solving issues
  • Learning how to apply these tools for improvement projects
  • Using QC tools for Kaizen, Quality circles and Continuous Improvement Projects
  • Data Collection Techniques

Learning Areas

  • Flow Chart
  • Pareto diagram
  • Check sheet
  • Control chart
  • Histogram
  • Scatter plot
  • Cause-and-effect diagram
  • Affinity Diagram (KJ Method)
  • Interrelationship Diagram (ID)
  • Tree Diagram
  • Prioritization Matrix
  • Matrix Diagram or quality table
  • Process Decision Program Chart (PDPC)
  • Activity Network Diagram
  • Applying QC tools for Kaizen, Quality Circles and other statistical analysis for continuous improvement projects
  • Data Collection Techniques


  • Pre-course assessments and Goal Setting
  • Instructor-led and project-based learning
  • Formal learning using integrated workshops on techniques, methods, practices
  • Projects, assignments, exercises, and case studies
  • Discussions, knowledge, and experience sharing
  • Demonstrations and practical sessions on actual application of knowledge and practices
  • Assessments based on demonstrations, group discussions, interviews, projects


  • Case Studies
  • Assignments
  • Practical Projects
  • Concepts and Insights on maintenance methodologies

Target Audience

  • Executives, Middle Management
  • Quality Managers and Operations
  • Excellence Team

Course Duration

  • 2 Day


  • From Auro University
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